In Spain, Christmas Holidays aren't over until the Epiphany day (January the 6th), "La Noche de Reyes", when The Three Wise Men, (los Reyes Magos) bring presents to children while they're sleeping... Only if they've been good kids during the year, otherwise they'll bring you a piece of coal!
Todo el año esperando este día, verdad? A mi hace ya años que los reyes no me traen nada (soy taaaan mala que no me traen ni carbón), pero me sigue haciendo ilusión esta noche. Quién sabe... quizás este año vuelva a dejar mis zapatos bajo la ventana, a ver si hay suerte...
The night of the 5th of January is the most exciting night in the year. We use to leave our shoes under the Christmas Tree or close to the window and we also leave some cookies and milk for the Three Kings and their camels. Next morning we'd find the glasses empty, a lot of presents and... el Roscón de Reyes! El Roscón de Reyes is a ring-shaped cake that we eat on Epiphany day for breakfast. It contains inside a plastic or ceramic tiny toy, a dry bean or a coin. You'll also find a rolled paper crown in the ring. If you find the toy, the coin or the bean, you can wear the crown and you'll be the king of the day! This is how Kleine Louis and Conchita spent their Día de los Reyes Magos:

Conchita baked some cookies yesterday afternoon. They look delicious... "Hey Kleine Louis, stay away from this cookies! The're not for you! They're for Los Reyes Magos!"
Conchita pasó ayer toda la tarde horneando galletas para los reyes y sus camellos. Siempre he pensado que deben de acabar la noche hartos de tanta galleta y tanta leche! Quizás alguien debería arriesgarse y probar con un bocadillo de chorizo, a ver qué pasa.... Ahora que recuerdo en mi casa mi madre dejaba siempre una copa de cava en vez de un vaso de leche... me pregunto porqué sería....
Here they're, waiting sooo impatiently... they've served milk and cookies for the kings and their camels and left their shoes under the tree. Well done! Now go to sleep! They won't come if you're awake!

Cómo recuerdo esa tarde del día 5.... en la que a las 6 de la tarde ya te quieres meter en la cama para que pase cuanto antes la noche! Para luego no poder dormir de los nervios... Yo era de las que a las 7 de la mañana ya estaba despertando a toda la familia, no podía aguantar... Y por lo que veo, estos dos me han salido igual!
Madre mía, pero si han traído un roscón y todo! Qué bueno, es de nata, mi favorito! Pues con vuestro permiso... me voy a desayunar!
"Look!! The cups and the dishes are empty! They've eaten all the cookies!" "Look Conchita, there's a Roscón de Reyes overthere! This is so exciting! And look, a lot of presents in our shoes!"
Who found the bean....? It had to be you Kleine Louis...
Kleine Louis and Conchita are designed and made by me. I made the tree following the Lazy Hobbyhopper pattern, for the cookies I used part of the Milky Robot pattern, and el Roscón de Reyes is an adaptation of the original roscón pattern by great designer Kraft Croch.
Feliz dia de Reyes! In Italy we prepare biscuit and milk for 'Befana' and she lives presents in our socks!
ReplyDeleteIl miglior giorno dell'anno! :)